Online Restorative Yoga Class

Restoring Mind, Body, and Spirit one savasana at a time.

Class every Tuesday at 7:00PM CST

Look around the house, cushions from your couch, firm pillows or yoga bolsters can be used to support and relax. Blankets to also support or cover can be bought or found around the house. You can buy blocks or use books. Whether you do it with professional equipment or DIY it, find a space in your own home and make an oasis of calm.

What is Restorative Yoga and what will it do for me?

Restorative yoga is unlike any other style of yoga. It can be very challenging for those who are always “on the go”. Those are persons who need it the most! If you are one of those people…challenge yourself today!

1. Restorative yoga helps us cultivate the skill of conscious relaxation.

Restorative yoga uses long-held, supported resting poses to create the conditions for us to cultivate the skill of conscious relaxation and most importantly to release unnecessary habitual tension in the body and mind. It's a little bit closer to a meditation practice than a movement practice. For many of us, hatha yoga practices can easily become another opportunity to over-effort or get caught up in accomplishing or striving to get better at a pose. Restorative yoga is about, "How can I let my body and mind unwind? How can I do less?" 

2. Restorative yoga helps us discover where we are holding tension.

The actual effort involved in restorative yoga is the willingness to look at how and where we are holding tension, and to relax our body on the ground, allowing the breath to come in more, so the tension that we find can be softened or less gripping. Discovering where and how we hold tension helps us find room for change, so that tension won’t limit our physical, emotional, and mental wellness and our comfort in our body.

In restorative yoga, we let go of all muscular effort, trust the earth to hold us completely, then if we find we are still holding ourselves up somewhere, we let go again in the next breath. This creates deep release and ease in the body.

3. Restorative yoga creates the conditions for the relaxation response to kick in. 

The grounding; complete, full breathing; and quietness of restorative yoga help us elicit the relaxation response, a neurological response that tells us we are safe, pulls us out of "flight or fight" mode, and initiates the body's self-healing process. We switch over from worrying about staying "safe" to fostering the longevity systems of long term health, including digestion, elimination, reproduction, growth and repair, and immunity. 

Sounds like “just what you need”?

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life. – Eckhart Tolle